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Installing and running GADGET-4 on Linux

The GADGET-4 (GAlaxies with Dark matter and Gas intEracT - 4) is the fourth iteration of the gravitational N-body and smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation code written by Volker Springel...

Installing dependencies for scientific software on Linux

A guide with 'case studies' on how to install necessary software and libraries

Most of the scientific simulation software are not standalone applications. Developers of such software often rely on third-party libraries to perform complex calculations, handle data, implement parallelization and other...

Git and GitHub Tutorial

2. Basic usage of git and GitHub

In the previous part of the tutorial, we talked about the basics of version control systems, online providers and the history of Git. In this part, we will learn...

Git and GitHub Tutorial

1. Introduction to Version Control Systems

In this guide series I am trying to introduce the basics of version control systems and related software, primarily focusing on Git and GitHub. I will cover the most...

SSH Tutorial

A universal introduction to SSH and OpenSSH

In this post, I break down the basics of SSH and OpenSSH, offering an introduction to a general audience, whether you are a developer, a researcher, a student or...